While waiting for the start of the 8th Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE, we present to you new special guests who will deliver at the December festival during inspiring meetings, exceptional lectures, and engaging workshops.

The Festival’s participants can take part in many captivating and intriguing scientific events that cover different fields of science. The researchers we’ve invited will share with you their expertise in astronomy, physics and maths, as well as shed some light on the secrets behind artificial intelligence and how to lead a successful Bookstagram. Our Polish and foreign guests will tell you about the fascinating facts about the human mind and invite you to an artistic laboratory, where you’ll have the chance to explore the combination of science and art.

The list of Polish guests during the 8th ŚFN includes:

     Emilia Jachimczyk – a book and art aficionado. A graduate of Warsaw Film School and a cinematography student at Rome University of Fine Arts. A booktoker running a profile called @mrukbooki (7M likes and 270k followers), where she shares her passion for books every day.

     Karolina Pondel-Sycz, MSc Eng. – expert in electroacoustics, research and didactic employee at the Warsaw University of Technology, science communicator. Together with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Daily, she created a popular science podcast called DGPTalk: Eureka!; the podcast was nominated to the 2024 POP Science Award. As part of her PhD, she currently analyses deep neural networks-based AI models that learn how to understand human speech. 

     Natalia Bujak – sociologist, for over seven years professionally associated with the AGH University of Kraków. Producer of Bunkier Nauki [Bunker of Science], a popular science videoblog of the AGH University of Kraków, available on YouTube and Spotify (nominated to the 2024 POP Science Award). She has vast experience in building media relations, image building, social media service and popular science content creation.

     Grzegorz Przybyła – astrophysicist, physics teacher at the Technical School in Rybnik. Member of the Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers, Silesian Branch. Has been leading the Albireo Research Club in Astronomy at Primary School in Jankowice, and for over 3 years classes within ‘Akademia Planetarium’ at Planetarium – The Silesian Science Park, Chorzów. Involves the youth in a citizen science project called the International Asteroid Search Campaign.

     Tomasz Miller, PhD – mathematical physicist and science communicator. Working at the Copernicus Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at the Jagiellonian University, he studies geometrical structures on the borderline of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Hosts a YouTube Channel Copernicus, where he discusses physics, cosmology and maths.

The list of guests from abroad during the 8th ŚFN includes:

     Prof. Alicja Tardy – a lecturer and researcher at the École nationale supérieure des Mines, France. She has lifetime experience in managing projects in the field of industrial risks and crisis management, using innovative teaching tools based on contemporary educational engineering. She is also co-founder and President (since 1997) of the Association ‘Saint-Etienne Métropole Katowice (ASEMKA)’, and founder, with the help of two cities, of the ‘Maison de Saint-Etienne à Katowice (DMSEK)’.

     Galanne Cestre-Lambert – a scientific mediator and project manager at La Rotonde (Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle) at Mines Saint-Étienne, France. Together with the La Rotonde team, she organises and coordinates popular science events, meetings and debates with scientists, as well as exhibitions and workshops.

     Sarah Hurtado-Bagès, PhD – expert in cultural engineering dedicated to the sciences. She is now a scientific mediator and project manager at La Rotonde (Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle) at Mines Saint-Étienne, France. She is also co-manager of her own scientific mediation company called scisters.editions.

     Yolanda Ohene, PhD – a neuroimaging scientist, STEM communicator and director of The Blackett Lab Family, UK collective of Black physicists. Yolanda is a science communicator and has spoken at the Royal Institution, Cambridge Theatre, London and at some of the biggest UK science events including the British Science Festival (2021), where she was a recipient of one of the British Science Festival Award Lecture.

You can find more information about special guests of the 8th Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE on our website in the tab ‘Special Guests 8th Edition’.

Keep up with the latest news about the 8th ŚFN! Follow our website and social media, and subscribe to Supernova – an official newsletter of the Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE and the European City of Science Katowice 2024!

The 8th Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE will take place on 7–9 December and will crown the entire year of celebrations of the European City of Science Katowice 2024.
